ABINEP Symposium 2018
The 1st ABINEP Symposium of the by European Structural and Investment Funds (ESF)-funded Graduate School took place on the 11th and 12th of September 2018 at the Guericke Center of the Lukasklause in Magdeburg.
What: | 1. ABINEP Symposium 2018 |
When: | 11th and 12th of September 2018 |
Where: | Guericke Center of the Lukasklause, Schleinufer 1, 39104 Magdeburg |
On the 11th and 12th of September 2018, the 1st ABINEP Symposium of the by European Structural and Investment Funds (ESF)-funded Graduate School took place at the Guericke Center of the Lukasklause in Magdeburg.
The 1st ABINEP Symposium was organized by the 21 fellows themselves. They developed a very interesting scientific program consisting of their own presentations in terms of talks and poster sessions and of presentations of invited guest speakers. The fellows invited four guest speakers (one for each module), who shared their knowledge with the scholars and gave advices on their PhD projects and carrier planning in round table discussions.
The symposium was opened with a short welcome note by the ABINEP speaker and the director of the institute of physiology, Prof. Dr. Volkmar Leßmann. First keynote speaker was Dr. Michael X Cohen from the Radbound University Nijmegen/ Netherlands, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Synchronisation in Neural Systems, who was hosted by the fellows from module 4. After the exciting talk of Michael Cohen about Midfrontal Theta: A Burgeoning Multiscale Perspective, the fellows from module 4 showed the progress of their PhD projects and took questions from the fellows from the other 3 modules.
A very enjoyable poster session divided the morning session of module 4 and the afternoon session of module 1, whose guest speaker was Prof. Dr. Helmut Kettenmann from the Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin. In his talk, he presented the Role of Microglial Cells in Brain Diseases. The first day of the symposium was made perfect with a convivial barbeque in the garden of the Lukasklause.
The second day was owned by the modules 3 and 2. Dr. Sonja Djudjaj from the University Hospital RWTH Aachen and Prof. Dr. Ole Paulsen from the University of Cambridge/ United Kingdom, Dept. of Physiology, Development & Neuroscience gave inspiring keynote lectures, before the fellows from each module took their chance to present their latest data.
The fellows learned a lot scientifically and alongside and have already a lot of ideas for their next symposium 2019. With this remarks from Stefan Repplinger, fellow in module 4, and some of Prof. Leßmann the symposium was closed.
A summary in German can be found in the press release. The program (updated, Sept-10, 2018) or the abstract book (updated, Sept-10, 2018) can be downloaded here.