Joined Kickoff Meeting with MEMoRIAL

The Joined Kickoff Meeting of the two international graduate schools ABINEP andMEMoRIAL took place on the 26th of September 2017 at Festung Mark in Magdeburg. Together, the two Graduate Schools are funded with 5 Million Euro by the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESF) from 2016 to 2021. Within 5 years up to 21 PhD students will be funded by ESF scholarships.
What: | Joined Kickoff Meeting of the two ESF-funded International Graduate Schools ABINEP and MEMoRIAL |
When: | 26th of September 2017, 9.00 |
Where: | Festung Mark, Hohepfortewall 1, 39104 Magdeburg |
The ceremonial opening started with welcome speeches by the university president Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Strackeljan, the vice president for Research, Technology and Equal Opportunities Prof. Dr. Monika Brunner-Weinzierl and the Representative of the State ministry Saxony-Anhalt for economy, science and digitalisation Mr. Horst Winkelmann, where all of them emphasized the importance of internationalisation of the university. Scientific progress is needed to survive in the international competition and scientific progress would not work without students. Germany belongs to the top five countries for international students, which highlights, that science is no longer a national issue. Afterwards Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Halle, the speaker of MEMoRIAL, and Prof. Dr. Volkmar Leßmann, the speaker of ABINEP and the initiator for the application of both graduate schools, summarized the concepts and properties of each graduate school.
Subsequently to the ceremonial opening, which was accompanied by the musical string quartette of the university, the scientific program started. The doctoral students of both international graduate schools had the chance to present their research projects. Each of the early career researchers held a "Three Slides - Five Minutes" presentation, where they introduced themselves, the scientific backround of and the methods within their projects. The coffee/ lunch breaks and the barbecue in the evening were used to discuss the presentations and to get in contact with each other. The detailed program can be found here.