ABINEP Lecture
The ABINEP Lecture takes place:
Tuesdays, 11 am to 12.30 pm, in house 13 of the medical campus, seminar room (top flor).
Please find the detailed program here.
The presentaions of the speakers are available after self enrollment into the course "ABINEP lecture" in the OVGU elearning portal.
The password for self enrollment is available upon request.
2017 - 2018
07.11.2017 | Brain Imaging Techniques in Systems Neuroscience
Prof. Dr. Tömme Noesselt (IPSY/ OVGU) / Dr. Tino Zähle (KNEU/ OVGU)
21.11.2017 | Using neurophysiological recordings to model neuronal circuits
Prof. Dr. Volkmar Leßmann (IPHY/ OVGU) / Prof. Dr. Frank Ohl (LIN)
05.12.2017 | Basic concepts and methods in understanding the immune system
Prof. Dr. Andreas Müller (IMKI/ OVGU) / Prof. Dr. Dunja Bruder (IMMB/ OVGU | HZI)
19.12.2017 | Brain in flames - what happens during neuroinflammation?
Prof. Dr. Constanze Seidenbecher (LIN) / Prof. Dr. Dirk Schlüter (IMMB/ OVGU)
16.01.2018 | Next Generation Sequencing Techniques in Biomedical Research
Dr. Denny Schanze (IHG/ OVGU)
13.02.2018 | Flow Cytometry: Methological basis and multi-dimensional data analysis
Dr. Andreas Jeron (IMMB/ OVGU)
13.03.2018 | Statistics Seminar - What you never wanted to know about statistics, but were afraid to ask
PD Dr. Björn Schott (LIN)
10.04.2018 | Advanced Microscopy: From magnifying tool to high-tech functional imaging
Dr. Werner Zuschratter (LIN)
02.05.2018 | A clinical study ... how to get started?
Prof. Dr. Peter Mertens (KNEP/ OVGU)
22.05.2018 | Patch-Clamp Technique, Oscillation and Modeling
Prof. Dr. Oliver Stork (IBIO/ OVGU) / Dr. Motoharu Yoshida (LIN/ DZNE) / Dr. Thomas Munsch (IPHY/ OVGU)
12.06.2018 | fMRT and EEG
Dr. Felix Ball & Dr. Emanuele Porcu (IPSY/ OVGU)