ABINEP Lecture
The ABINEP Lecture takes place:
Tuesdays, 11 am to 12.30 pm, in house 13 of the medical campus, seminar room (top flor).
Please find the detailed program here.
The presentaions of the speakers are available after self enrollment into the course "ABINEP lecture" in the OVGU elearning portal.
The password for self enrollment is available upon request.
2018 - 2019
16.10.2018 | Optogenetics: Shedding light on the brain
Dr. Michael Lippert (LIN)
13.11.2018 | Neurophysiology of adaptive control in humans
Prof. Dr. Markus Ullsperger (OVGU/ IPSY)
11.12.2018 | Genetical methods and CRISPR/CAS
Prof. Dr. Ingo Schmitz (HZI)
22.01.2019 | Synaptopathies brain disorders caused by faulty communication between nerve cells
Prof. Dr. Eckart Gundelfinger (LIN)
19.02.2019 | Funding opportunities
Martina Hagen (OVGU/ R)
16.04.2019 | Animal welfare
Dr. Thomas Endres (OVGU/ IPHY)
14.05.2019 | Basics of human learning and memory
Prof. Dr. Stefan Pollmann (OVGU/ IPSY)
11.06.2019 | Clinical trials
Juliane Thapa (OVGU/ KKS)
02.07.2019 | Proteomics
Prof. Dr. Lothar Jänsch (HZI)